___get up at night to urinate
___urinate frequently daytime
___have insomnia
___tired when awake in morning
___trouble making decisions
10. Allergies
___soaps and detergents
11. Diseases
___tennis elbow
___painful joints
___Friedrich's ataxia
___surgery ________________
___sickle cell anemia
___chronic anemia
___kidney stones
12. Miscellaneous
___infections take long time to
___work around mercury?
13. Dental History
___had silver amalgams
___have silver amalgams
___had gold fillings
___have gold fillings now
___removable metal bridge
___gold bridge
___porcelain caps (crowns)
___non-precious crowns
___root canal
___root canal now
___metallic taste in mouth
___burning sensation in mouth
___increased flow of saliva
___more than half your teeth
6. Cancer ___leukemia
___Hodgkins disease
___any other name
7. Endocrine Problems ___diabetes
___tipped uterus
___thyroid overactive
___cervical erosion
too often, or too
seldom, stopping w/o
8. Emotional ___sudden anger
___wish you were dead
___suicidal tendencies
___been divorced
9. Annoying Symptoms ___frequent headaches
___noises in your ears
___ringing in your ears
___hissing in your ears
___chronic eye inflammation
___chronic fatigue
___do you tire easy?
___swollen lymph nodes
___sweat excessively
___hearing problems
___cold hands and feet
___motion sickness
___slow healing
___leg cramps
We are most grateful to Dr Hal Huggins for the following Mercury Questionnaire. The questionnaire is reprinted from A Patient's Guide to Mercury Amalgam Toxicity, Dr Roy Kupsinel.