Dental occlusion is vital to healthy function of the tempromandibular joint.

TMD (tempromandibular disorders) or TMJ (tempromandibular jaw disorder) can be a very painful, almost at times, debilitating condition.

Ten million people in the United States suffer from TMJ/TMD. It is possible for symptoms to diminish without treatment however, not the "norm". Should you be one of the unfortunate, please understand there are professionals to help you. These professionals may include dentists, chiropractors, and massage therapists.

The TMJ is located in front of the ears, connects the jawbone to the skull, is orchestrated by a very complex set of muscles and documented as one of the most complicated joints in the body.

Degeneration of the TMJ (disc) can also cause extreme pain. Stress or any tension will exacerbate TMJ symptoms.

Symptoms are again listed below:

  • clicking in jaw joint                                   
  • headaches
  • facial paint
  • ear pain jaw pain
  • limited opening in mouth
  • tinnitus
  • neck pain
  • dizziness
  • changing pain
  • uncomfortable bite
  • worn teeth

Your consultation will include an examination of your jaw and bite.






erich a wolley dds
